Stephen Chamberlin Family Archive

Here I've collected the history and genealogy of the Chamberlin, Bell, and related families.


Letters, books, conversations, journals, memoirs, and other other accounts of family history.


Photos of many Chamberlin-Bell family members and ancestors.


The Chamberlin-Bell family tree, containing more than 2000 people, with some dating back as early as the 1400's.
NOTE: Details for living people have been obscured. I'll gladly share the full tree and GEDCOM file with family members and long-lost cousins - contact me for instructions.

Are we related? See this list of my 1st through 5th Great-Grandparents to find out.

A timeline of paternal Chamberlin ancestors, covering eight generations.

Data demonstrating that former U.S. President George W. Bush is my 9th cousin.

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