Family Photo Index
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The photos are organized into four groups, one for each of my grandparents' families.
Chamberlin Family
Bell Family
Browne Family
Sandburg Family
Chamberlin Family
Carey J. Chamberlin Sr. and Sarah Eden Chamberlin, 50th anniversary - Wayside Inn - 1967
Alice Chamberlin - born 1881
Sally Chamberlin - born 1924
Carey J Chamberlin Jr and daughter Kathy - Rochester - 1958
Carey J Chamberlin Jr - born 1929
Carey J Chamberlin Jr
Carey J Chamberlin Sr - born 1892
Carey J Chamberlin Sr
Carey J Chamberlin Sr
Carey Jr and Sr - Belmont - 1978
Carey W Chamberlin (father of Carey J Sr) and brothers, about 1895
Carey W Chamberlin, Harriette Rogers wedding invitation
Carey W Chamberlin, Harriette Rogers
Chamberlin family Christmas card - 1934
Elizabeth Chamberlin - born 1927
Chamberlin Family Reunion - Sheffield - 1995
Harrie Chamberlin - born 1920, Sarah (Sally) Chamberlin
Harriette Rogers and parents
Jennie O Chamberlin - born 1864, sister of Carey W
Isaac Chamberlin (born 1828, father of Carey W), and Laura Wiard
Carey J Chamberlin Jr and Sally Bell
Sally Chamberlin - born 1924
Stephen Lee Chamberlin - born 1970
Stephen Lee Chamberlin
Stephen Lee Chamberlin
Stephen and Danielle's Wedding
Stephen and Danielle's Wedding
Three different Sarah Eden Chamberlins
Dorothy Anne Chamberlain
Wiard family homestead
David Chamberlain (Chamberlayne? father of Isaac) gravestone, 1801-1829
John (born c. 1773, father of David) and Alice Chamberlayne gravestone, oldest known Chamberlin ancestors
Samuel (born 1798, oldest child of John and Alice), and Alice Chamberlayne gravestone
Daniel Bollard Chamberlain (born 1826, brother of Isaac) memorial
Bell Family
Joshua Bush - born 1789
Bela Bell commission
Bela Bell commission legend
Bela Bell Jr family
Bela Bell Jr home
George Martin Bell, age 14
Ethel Wiltfong, Leslie Bell, Emma Jennie Garlick, George Martin Bell
Leslie Bell, (Dorothy Bell), (unknown), (Grandma Gertrude)
William Garlick
Robert and Dorothy Bell, Ethel Wiltfong
Robert Bell, Leslie Bell, Emma Garlick, William Garlick
Robert Earle Bell
Sally Bush Bell
Browne Family
Charlotte Crowninshield and sisters
Charlotte Chapin Crowninshield (Nana)
Sarah Eden Browne, Ted Browne, Rebecca Browne
Sarah Eden Browne
Sarah Eden Browne
Sandburg Family
Stephen Lee Crosby and Sarah Ladd marriage certificate
Stephen Lee Crosby, Sarah Ladd
Warren Ladd, Sarah Ladd, Howard Ladd
Amil Oscar Sandburg
Amil Sandburg, possibly with Charles and Dexter Sandburg
Mildred Sandburg, Sarah Ladd
Helen Crosby, Marion Crosby, Mildred Sandburg, Alice V Crosby, Anna Bell M___, Walter C Crosby
Sally Bush Bell, Mildred Sandburg, Alice Crosby, Sarah Ladd
Mildred Sandburg, Sally Bell
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