Born 7 JAN 1817 Virginia S13125, S14681
Died 21 NOV 1890 Damascus Cemetery, Butler Twp, Columbiana Co, OH S14681
Married 18 MAY 1847
Children with Lydia Cobbs
Married 18 MAY 1847
Children with Lydia Cobbs
From William Ladd, distant relative discovered via ancestry.com:
In November 1830, Joshua Ladd, age 14, came to Ohio from Virginia with his mother Elizabeth, brother Joseph, and sister Elizabeth. Joshua's father Samuel died about 1825. It was customary for Quakers to obtain permission for a move from one "monthly meeting" to another. This move was probably from Henrico Country, Virginia to Ohio's Upper Springfield (later Damascus) monthly meeting.
They moved by a covered wagon with other Quaker families most likely to escape Virginia's high taxes and increasing population. Ohio was now a state and opportunities were available for industrious new settlers. Joshua opened a small grocery and supply store. The store was located in Westville about 2 miles west of Damascus. It grew rapidly into a thriving trading post.
Lindsay Cobbs' family was among the customers at Joshua's store. Their daughter Lydia did much of the shopping and attracted Joshua's attention with her frankness and high spirits. Joshua decided to wait on marriage until Lydia was old enough to court. That time came and on May 18, 1847 they were married.
In the 1850 census, Joshua is listed as a merchant with real estate valued at $2,300. Anna Virginia, their first child, was born in February 1850. In 1852 Joshua bought an 87 acre farm with a brick house from Jacob W. Sell and 5 more acres from Thomas B. Woolman in 1855. He was listed in the 1860 census as a farmer with real estate valued at $4,500 and personal estate of $1,200. The family continued to grow with the births of Samuel Warren (1853), William A (1854), Sarah J (1855), Henry C (1856), Howard John (1859), and Leonard T (1864).
Elisabeth Ladd Grey, who would have called Joshua great-grandfather, relates a story of a severe wind storm around 1860 on a part of the farm across the road from the brick farm house. The storm pushed down a large stand of trees, and not wishing to waste the timber, Joshua had it milled into lumber and built a 14 room 'new house' on the site. Joshua, Lydia, Warren, Leonard, Howard, his wife Cherrie and son Charles all lived in the larger house until Joshua's death November 21, 1890. Following Joshua's death, Howard, Cherrie, and Charles moved to the brick farm house. Lydia died April 3, 1898 and the 'new house' was sold to Morgan and Martha West. Martha West was Cherrie Ladd's older sister.
S13037 Ladd family bible, in the possession of Sally Bush Bell
S13125 Bush-Ladd family bible, in the possession of Sally Bush Bell
S14681 "Ellison Ancestors and their Descendants", fmcmahan@neo.rr.com, Ancestry.com