Born 7 DEC 1862 Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence County, NY S13003
Died 25 JUL 1925 Rice Lake, Barron County, WI S13003
Married 11 OCT 1888 Oshkosh, Winnebago County, WI S13003
Children with Clara May Wakeman
Married 11 OCT 1888 Oshkosh, Winnebago County, WI S13003
Children with Clara May Wakeman
S13003 Email from Mary Bell Munch (rmunch@mindspring.com) to Stephen Lee Chamberlin, Jan 29 2007
S12323 Bruce, Dwight H. (Ed.), Onondaga's Centennial. Boston History Co., 1896, Vol. II, pp. 172-173
S12424 Handwritten record of the Martin family, from the home of Mrs. Clarence (Gwen) Hughes, provided by lossos@earthlink.net
S17416 Email from Mary Bell Munch (rmunch@mindspring.com) to Stephen Lee Chamberlin, Jan 14 2007