Also Known As Betsy
Born 23 FEB 1927 Cambridge, MA
Died 2001 Cambridge MA
Buried Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA
Other Facts
Christened 2001 Cambridge, MA
Education 1949 Radcliffe College
Never married. Was secretary for many years to Massachusetts senator Daniel P. Moynihan. Posessing an ever enthusiastic and curious personality, she loved to have visitors to her Cambridge apartment, especially family. She had a special talent for making instant emotional connections to whomever she met. Stephen Lee Chamberlin grew much closer to his Aunt Betsy while he was living in Cambridge 1989-1996. She succombed to cancer in 2001.
Christened 2001 Cambridge, MA
Education 1949 Radcliffe College
Never married. Was secretary for many years to Massachusetts senator Daniel P. Moynihan. Posessing an ever enthusiastic and curious personality, she loved to have visitors to her Cambridge apartment, especially family. She had a special talent for making instant emotional connections to whomever she met. Stephen Lee Chamberlin grew much closer to his Aunt Betsy while he was living in Cambridge 1989-1996. She succombed to cancer in 2001.