Johann Kasper Richter von Kronenscheldt
Born 1644 Leipzig
Died 19 DEC 1711
Born 1644 Leipzig
Died 19 DEC 1711
Married 4 DEC 1694
Children with Elizabeth Allen
Married 4 DEC 1694
Children with Elizabeth Allen
Other Facts
Residence Leipzig Germany, Peabody MA
Occupation physician, surgeon
Baptized 22-JUN-1661 as "Johann Kaspar Richter." The "von Kroninschielt" was added later. JKR was a "natural son" of his father while the latter was a student. JKR accidentally killed a person in Germany during a fray. Emigrated from Leipzig to America, Boston area, about 1694. Later settled near Browne-Bartholomew Ponds in what is now Peabody MA. See SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: "The Family of Clifford Crowninshield of Salem MA"
Residence Leipzig Germany, Peabody MA
Occupation physician, surgeon
Baptized 22-JUN-1661 as "Johann Kaspar Richter." The "von Kroninschielt" was added later. JKR was a "natural son" of his father while the latter was a student. JKR accidentally killed a person in Germany during a fray. Emigrated from Leipzig to America, Boston area, about 1694. Later settled near Browne-Bartholomew Ponds in what is now Peabody MA. See SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: "The Family of Clifford Crowninshield of Salem MA"