Elisha Wiard S13270
Born 1778 Delaware County, NY
Died 1813 Harpersfield, Ohio

Lemuel Wiard S13270
14 FEB 17546 NOV 1801
Olive Unknown S13270
EST. 1754

Moved to Ohio in 1804 (source: Korleen Beardsley)

Vol A., estate 00016 pg 24: Lemuel Wiard appointed Adminstrator- Jonathan
Gregory and Daniel Bartholomew, sureties. William Hewins, Levi Gaylord, and
Issac Bartholomew, appraisors.

Same Vol, pg 53. Nov term 1813 A.D. Estate Elisha Wiard, deceased. Statement
of Debts-demands against estate of Elisha Wiard, late of Harpersfield,
deceased. Due:

Aaron Wheeler $42.00
Nathan B. Johnson 72.82
Christopher Crary 10.00
Elisha Martin 3.59
John Dibbell .25
Daniel Bartholomew 58.38
Hall Smith 6.57
Squire B. French 2.25
Peggy Gaylord 2.02
To myself (Lemuel) 17.78
Jonathan Leslie 2.62
Andrew Cowles 70.00
Noah Cowles 19.00
Aaron Lien 1.50
Anan Harmon 5.00
Hannah Wiard 2.62
My Mother 23.52
To Levi Gaylord, Isaac Bartholomew, and William Hewins for appraising
property of Elisha Wiard, deceased.... 4.50
To Daniel Bartholomew 33.00
To Elisha Gaylord .75

To Lemuel Wiard Administrator- Debt due estate of Elisha Wiard late of
Harpersfield, deceased from John Bartholomew $24.00 Received in Court Nov.
16, 1813 and recorded Dec. 24, A.D. 1813. By C.R. Hendry, clerk.

(VOL. A pg 66)

Elisha Wiard Estate- In addition of demand against estate of Elisha Wiard of
Harpersfield, deceased. [In this were thirteen additional names with at
total of 62.15 due and wa signed by Lemuel Wiard, Jan 1, 1813. As
administrator. Recorded April 15, 1814. (The names were not copied since
they had none of family listed. -Alice Bliss)]

(VOL A pg 109 Additional demands against estate 2 names amount $22.75 signed
by Lemuel Wiard, administrator.

(VOL A pg 139) The final account gives the entire list of payments and shows
those who appear to be heirs receiving sums from estate. These include:

Hannah Wiard $2.62 1/2
Peggy Gaylord 2.62
Squire B. French 2.62
Olive Wiard 23.52

Total paid from estate was $498.09 1/4 which included all debtors, atty
fees, and commissions. Account accepted Jan. 21, 1818

S13270 research performed by Korleen Beardsley <korleen@zbzoom.net>