Elijah Drake
Born 4 FEB 1820
Born 4 FEB 1820
From Highlights of Clarkson History by Hazel Kleinbach, pp. 94-95:
Elijah Drake House. This is the fourth in the row of old houses on the Lake Road....it was sold...in 1865 to the Drakes. Elijah Drake, the owner in 1872, formerly lived on the south side of the Ridge Road opposite the road which is named after him, the Drake Road, in a brick house which is still standing. A native of Cayuga County, had come to Monroe Country in 1832. He married Martha E., daughter of Rev. Norris Bull [I do not find him in the history of the Clarkson Community Church] Principal of the Clarkson Academy. Their son, John N., was born in 1854. After completing his general education at the Brockport and Geneseo Normal Schools, he studied law in Rochester and returning to Brockport in 1881, he established a general practice. He was justice of the peace and village clerk and attorney for some years.