Born 1612 England
Died 19 MAR 1686/87 MA
Buried First Church Cemetery, Cambridge MA
Children with Mary Dolling
Children with Mary Dolling
Other Facts
Residence VA, MD, Cambridge MA
Occupation Leader & writer
In 1641 he & wife Mary & son Samuel set sail for VA. He was made a Burgess & was a representative in the Grand Assembly in 1641/2. He was granted 3900 acres in VA. Influenced by Puritan minister from MA, Goodkins moved to MA: Boston , Roxbury, Cambridge. A man of ability & education, he was a founder of free grammar school in Roxbury in 1645. 1681, elected Major- General, the Commander-in-Chief of all military forces in MA colony. Wrote two books on the Indians. For details see SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: "Daniel Goodkin of VA & MA."
Residence VA, MD, Cambridge MA
Occupation Leader & writer
In 1641 he & wife Mary & son Samuel set sail for VA. He was made a Burgess & was a representative in the Grand Assembly in 1641/2. He was granted 3900 acres in VA. Influenced by Puritan minister from MA, Goodkins moved to MA: Boston , Roxbury, Cambridge. A man of ability & education, he was a founder of free grammar school in Roxbury in 1645. 1681, elected Major- General, the Commander-in-Chief of all military forces in MA colony. Wrote two books on the Indians. For details see SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: "Daniel Goodkin of VA & MA."